Your Berks Team
Treasurer: Mitchell Darcourt (Incumbent)
Prothonotary: Jonathan Del Collo (Incumbent)
Coroner: John Fielding (Incumbent)
Sheriff: Mandy Miller (Acting Sheriff)
The four of us are running as a team and endorsing each other as the optimal choices for Berks. We believe a leader's role is to serve the best interests of the taxpayer and we are committed to common sense county government that residents can be proud of. We share conservative principles and dedication to leading with integrity.
And we are proud to be endorsed by the following Berks County Government leaders.
​Commissioners: Christian Leinbach & Michael Rivera (Incumbents)
Clerk of Courts: Beth Jones (Incumbent)
Register of Wills: Suzanne Myers (Incumbent)
Controller: Joe Rudderow (Incumbent)
On May 20th, choose these four names on your ballot: